
Sunday, August 17, 2014

On 1:54 PM by Cup of Jo   No comments

I came across this interesting article that you would probably find unusual for the format of this assignment. However after reading this article I realized this has everything to do with a brand and it’s reputation, identity and trust. 

I am an individual that respects anyone and everyone’s beliefs. The question is how far do you go as a business owner to commit to your beliefs with the probability that you my lose clientele and consumer trust. According to this article a cake making company by the name of Cake Pro’s recently refused to make a cake for a same-sex couples wedding all because of their sexual orientation. "They had called and said to her that they were a Christian bakery and the owner had talked to Jesus for two weeks and that because it was two females getting married she couldn't make our cake." 

Although Cake Pro's is a privately owned business and they have every right to run business the way they choose. How far should you really go, as a business owner? I have the understanding that you believe in what you believe in but from my stand point when companies chose to do these things it damages your brand, reputation, identity and trust. I think companies should be mindful of other peoples lives and have a better understanding that business is business a consumer is a consumer no matter what their color, sexual orientation or ethnicity. 

After reviewing this article I noticed the slew of negative comments that followed the article. One guy said “I just went on Yelp and gave her 1 star hopefully Jesus will help her regain the 3 she just lost from me”. The many comments were all but similar to that. So in conclusion, from a public relations standpoint, Cake Pros has created a bad reputation for themselves based on the discrimination they choose to hold all because of their religious beliefs. Good luck to them! As of August 14, 2014 I am sure its going to be nothing but downhill for this company/brand.  


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